git-revert Vs. git-reset

$ git revert Vs. $ git reset


  • creates a new commit that undoes the changes from a previous commit.
    • adds new history
± git add [file]; git commit -m "message"; git push

Enumerating objects:
   dc93c84..3dac56a  master -> master

# Note: 3dac56a is the parent of the latest commit.

± git revert 3dac56a 

[master 7321501] Revert "here goes the mistake..."
 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
 delete mode 100644 mistake.txt

± git push

# NOTE: you can check your commits with
± git rev-list --all --abbrev-commit HEAD


  • Reset current HEAD to the specified state
    • could possibly remove history
± git add [file]; git commit -m "message"; git push

Enumerating objects:
   dc93c84..3dac56a  master -> master

# Note:  dc93c84 is the parent of the commit you wish to go back to.

± git reset --hard dc93c84

HEAD is now at dc93c84 Revert "message"

± git push -f