git-branch & git-merge

Quick Note:

Always commit with a useful message. Otherwise, your history will be useless…

# Show your most recent commits
git show-branch --all

Assuming prior knowledge of

git pull; git add; git commit; git push


  • Fork a repository: octocat/Spoon-Knife

  • Create a new branch

  • Make changes to existing code or develop code.

  • Merge your new branch to the master branch to create a Pull Request

After forking octocat/Spoon-Knife — get a local copy:

git clone

Creating a new branch

git branch [new branch]
git checkout [new branch]      # git checkout -b [new branch]
git add [stuff/work]
git commit -m "my new work"
git push --set-upstream origin [new branch]

Check what’s been done:

git show-branch

Merging new branch to another branch

git checkout [branch]
git merge [new branch]
git push origin [branch]

Now, in your browser create a pull request.

Fetching the Pull Request (For Maintainer):

Step 1: From your project repository, bring in the changes and test.

git fetch origin
git checkout -b [new branch] origin/[new branch]
git merge master

Step 2: Merge the changes and update on GitHub.

git checkout master
git merge --no-ff [new branch]
git push origin master

Other Notes:

Information commands to learn about git

man giteveryday

man gittutorial