Robert M. Raddi

Ph.D. Candidate in Theoretical Chemistry


I am a chemist from the greater Philadelphia area who loves experiencing diverse cultures, meeting new people, hiking, and programming. The broad view of my research focuses on developing scientific software packages that use physics/machine learning based approaches to tackle problems in chemistry and structural biology.


  1. Raddi, Robert, and Vincent Voelz. "Stacking Gaussian Processes to Improve pKa Predictions in the SAMPL7 Challenge."Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 35 (2021): 953-961.
  2. Voelz, Vincent A., Yunhui Ge, and Robert M. Raddi. "Reconciling simulations and experiments with BICePs: a review." Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8 (2021): 325.
  3. Robert M. Raddi, Yunhui Ge, and Voelz, Vincent A. "BICePs 2.0: new tools for Bayesian Inference of Conformational Populations from Theory and Experiment." (to be submitted)
  4. Robert M. Raddi, Tim Marshall, Yunhui Ge, and Voelz, Vincent A. "BICePs RepX: Force Field Validation by Bayesian Inference." (in revising stage)
  5. Robert M. Raddi, Richard Baxter, and Voelz, Vincent A. "Reconciling simulated ensembles of Serotransferrin with experimental SAXS intensities." (in research stage)


  • Jan. — Dec. Research Assistant

    Award: 1st Place Poster Presentation at ACS EUS YCC Research Symposium "Reconciling Simulations and Experiments With BICePs"

  • 2020

  • Jan. — Dec. Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant

    TA Assignments: Physical Chemistry of Biomolecules & Techniques of Chemical Measurement II

  • 2019

  • Jan. — Dec. Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant

    TA Assignments: Physical Chemistry of Biomolecules, Chemistry for Engineers recitation, General Chemistry I laboratory, General Chemistry II laboratory
    Award: The Guy Allen Award for Outstanding Teaching
    Certification: Teaching in Higher Education Certificate
    Extra: Acedemic Intern for Computing & Statistics Summer Workshop, Temple University Physics Department

  • 2018

  • Sept. — Dec. Research Assistant/Teaching Assistant

    TA Assignments: General Chemistry I recitation & laboratory
    Outreach: Student Mentor for New Foundations Charter School

Philadelphia, PA


Ph.D. Candidate in Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. Vincent Voelz
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
2018 - 2023 (expected)

B.S in Chemistry
Temple University
Philadelphia, PA
2013 - 2017


  • GNU/Unix & HPC
  • Software/Package Development
  • Python, C/C++, Cython, Bash
  • LaTex, HTML/CSS, Markdown
  • MD Simulations (Gromacs & OpenMM)
  • MCMC Simulations
  • Molecular Modelling
  • Cheminformatics
  • Bayesian Inference & Statistical Inference
  • Machine Learning
  • Scientific Communication
  • Teaching