Literature Seminar:

Bridging Theory & Experiment with Metainference — a Bayesian Inference Approach

Robert M. Raddi
(Advisor: Dr. Vincent Voelz)

Tuesday, Nov 12th, 2019
4:00 pm in BE 162

Determining biological structures requires a combination of experiment and theory

Solving structures with NMR:



  • Force Fields are approximations $$V(r)= \sum_{\text {Bonds}}+\sum_{\text{Angles}}+\sum_{\text{Dihedrals}}+\sum_{\text{Nonbonded}}$$
  • Conformational Sampling $\rightarrow$ limited resources and finite timescales

  • References

    1. Bonomi, Massimiliano, et al. "Principles of protein structural ensemble determination." Current opinion in structural biology 42 (2017): 106-116.

    Bayesian inference is the logical framework for combining separate sources of information

    Laws of conditional probability

    Combination of events:

    The joint probability of some conformation $X$ and experimental data $D$ is $P(X,D) = P(X)P(D)$, where $X$ and $D$ are independent.

    Conditional Probability:

    Suppose we want to know how the outcome of some conformation $X$ is influenced by some experimental data $D$. Now the probability of some conformation $X$ and experimental data $D$ is

    \begin{align} P(X, D) &= P(X|D)P(D)\\ \end{align}

    \begin{align} \hspace{1.7cm}&= P(D|X)P(X) \end{align}

    Bayes' Theorem:

    $$P(X | D) = \space\space\frac{P(D|X)P(X)}{P(D)}$$

    Bayesian inference of structured ensembles

    The likelihood function $P(D | X)$ is related to the experimental restraints (how well does X agree with D)

    The prior $P(X)$ is the estimate of the probability before the data.

    The posterior probability $P(X | D)$ is a function of some hypothesis (what we want to know).

    $P(D)$ is the marginal likelihood is the same for all possible hypotheses. We treat as a normalization factor.

    Incorporating errors:

    Nuisance parameter $\sigma$, which could be chemical shifts, NOE distances, etc...

    $\overbrace{P(X, \sigma | D)}^{\text{Posterior Distribution}} \propto \overbrace{P_{Exp}(D | X, \sigma)}^{\text{Likelihood}} \overbrace{P_{Sim}(X)}^{\text{Prior}} \overbrace{P(\sigma)}^{\text{Nuisance}\\\text{Parameter}}$

    ...this is how we make inferences in the face of uncertainty...

    Posterior distribution can be sampled by Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

    Protocol for MCMC:

    1. Start at some point $X$, $\sigma$. Compute $P(X,\sigma)$.

    2. Roll dice and draw a new point $X^{*}$, $\sigma^{*}$. Compute $P(X^{*},\sigma^{*})$.

    3. Accept move with probability $P_{accept}$ if: $$P_{accept} = min(1, \frac{P(X^{*},\sigma^{*})}{P(X,\sigma)}),$$ then set $X$, $\sigma$ = $X^{*}$, $\sigma^{*}$.

    Ensemble of replicas of the system solves the problem of ensemble averaged data

    Testing Metainference with a well defined system—Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin — NMR structure (PDB: 1D3Z)


    • Chemical Shifts: CA, CB, CO, HA, HN, NH
    • RDC (set 1): NH, CAC, CAHA, CN, CH

    Validation: (back-calculation of the Exp. data not used in modeling)

    • Scalar Coupling: $^{3}J_{HNC}$, $^{3}J_{HNHA}$
    • RDC (set 2): NH
    • RDC (set 3): NH, CAC, CAHA, CN, CH

  • 2. Bonomi, Massimiliano, et al. "Metainference: A Bayesian inference method for heterogeneous systems." Science Advances 2.1 (2016): e1501177.
  • The Metainference ensemble supports previous findings

    A known source of dynamics involves a flip of the backbone consisting of Aspartic acid—D52 and Glycine—G53.

    The flip is coupled with the formation of a H-bond ($\beta$ state) between the backbone of Glycine—G53 and side chain of Glutamic acid—E24

  • 2. Bonomi, Massimiliano, et al. "Metainference: A Bayesian inference method for heterogeneous systems." Science Advances 2.1 (2016): e1501177.
  • Validation

  • 2. Bonomi, Massimiliano, et al. "Metainference: A Bayesian inference method for heterogeneous systems." Science Advances 2.1 (2016): e1501177.
  • Summary

    • Metainference algorithm combines experimental and theoretical models to infer conformational ensembles

    • Bayesian inference is used for combining all sources of information to deal with uncertainty

    • MI was applied to a classic system & method validation supports MI

    Future directions
    • Bayesian inference can be used to improve force fields in MD simulations

    • Metadynamic Metainference - time-dependent bias potential acting on selected CVs

    Thank You for listening : )

    Voelz Lab — Halloween 2019

    From left to right: Shahlo Solieva, Si Zhang, Vincent Voelz, Tim Marshall,
    Steven Goold, Yunhui Ge, Robert Raddi, Dylan Novack, Matthew Hurley,
    Lei Qian

    Additional thanks to:
    Dr. Wunder & classmates