Steps Towards Modeling Active Particles

Reviewing: Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction

May 6th, 2019

by Robert M. Raddi



I. Discuss the main Ideas from Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction

II. Steps

- Create a basic 2-D LJ liquid simulation using velocity-Verlet algorithm and compare with Lammps

III. Prospective steps:

- Modify the 2-D LJ liquid simulation to match the paper.
- Does this model give us the full story?

IV. Conclusion


Active particles

- Study active particles a new hot topic in liquids.
- Active fluids generally contain self-propelled particles that interact, individually endergonic, but as a collection generate large scale motion. [1]

At Low Reynolds Number: Self-propulsion (examples)

- Self-propelled colloids, bacteria, cells, algae and other micro-organisms.

Is it possible to uncover the dynamics of activity and interparticle attraction?

[1] Arvind Gopinath, Michael F. Hagan, M. Cristina Marchetti, and Aparna Baskaran Phys. Rev. E 85, 061903 – Published 1 June 2012

Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction

Redner, Gabriel S., Aparna Baskaran, and Michael F. Hagan. "Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction." Physical Review E 88.1 (2013): 012305.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.88.012305; Supplemental Information

$$ U = \frac{\epsilon}{k_{B}T} \hspace{0.5cm};\hspace{0.5cm} P_{e} = v_{P} \frac{\tau}{\sigma} $$

Stochastic Orientation of particles due to $\hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_{i} = (cos\theta_{i},sin\theta_{i})$

• High density phase $\rightarrow$ Low density phase: Modeled by an escape cone on the interface

Redner, Gabriel S., Aparna Baskaran, and Michael F. Hagan. "Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction." Physical Review E 88.1 (2013): 012305.

Interparticle attraction strength, U = 4

Propulsion Strength, $P_{e}$ = 4

Attractive interactions dominate and phase separation between gel and gas phase. As $t \rightarrow \infty$, gel $\rightarrow$ single cluster.

Redner, Gabriel S., Aparna Baskaran, and Michael F. Hagan. "Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction." Physical Review E 88.1 (2013): 012305.

Interparticle attraction strength, U = 4

Propulsion Strength, $P_{e}$ = 20

Activity is increased, which results in a single-phase (homogenous liquid).

Redner, Gabriel S., Aparna Baskaran, and Michael F. Hagan. "Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction." Physical Review E 88.1 (2013): 012305.

Interparticle attraction strength, U = 4

Propulsion Strength, $P_{e}$ = 100

Activity is increased further, which results in self-trapping that drives the system to phase separate again. Many initial clusters $\rightarrow$ single cluster.

Redner, Gabriel S., Aparna Baskaran, and Michael F. Hagan. "Reentrant phase behavior in active colloids with attraction." Physical Review E 88.1 (2013): 012305.

Brownian Motion

Coupled Overdamped Langevin Equations

Note that the equations of motion are nondimensionalized using time as $\tau = \sigma^{2}/D$, where $\sigma$ and $k_{B}T$ as basic units of length and energy.

$$\dot{r}_{i}=\text { Force }+\text { propulsion velocity w/ stochastic orientation}+\text { stochastic viscosity (Gaussian white noise) }$$$$\dot{\boldsymbol{r}}_{i}=\frac{1}{\gamma} \boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{LJ}}\left(\left\{\boldsymbol{r}_{i}\right\}\right)+v_{\mathrm{p}} \hat{\boldsymbol{v}}_{i}+\sqrt{2 D} \boldsymbol{\eta}_{i}^{\mathrm{T}},\label{eq:1}\tag{1}$$

where $\eta$ is Gaussian white noise with $\left\langle\eta_{i}(t)\right\rangle= 0$ and $\left\langle\eta_{i}(t)\eta_{j}\left(t^{\prime}\right)\right\rangle=\delta_{i j} \delta\left(t-t^{\prime}\right)$. The magnitude of self-propulsion velocity is $v_{\mathrm{p}}$ and the direction of propulsion depends on the particles orientation, $\hat{v}_{i}=\left(\cos \theta_{i}, \sin \theta_{i}\right)$.

The angles associated with $\hat{v}_{i}$ are given by

$$\hat{\theta}=\sqrt{2 \mathcal{D}_{r}} \eta_{i}^{R},$$

where the the rotational diffusion constant, $D_{r}$ goes to $D_{r} = 3D/\sigma^{2}$ at a low Reynolds number.

Lastly, the last term in equation $\ref{eq:1}$ directly relates to the stokes drag coefficient:

$$D=\frac{k_{\mathrm{B}} T}{\gamma}$$


I. Write molecular simulation code from scratch.
II. Reproduce the MD simulations from the following paper by altering the existing MD code.

Table 1. Reduced Lennard-Jones Units:

Quantity Symbol Relation to SI Type
Mass $m*$ $m* = m M^{-1}$ float
Positions $r*$ $x*=x\sigma^{-1}$ np.array
Velocities $v*$ $$v* = v M^{1/2}\sigma^{-1/2}$$ np.array
Energy $E*$ $E* = E \epsilon^{-1}$ float
Temperature $T*$ $T* = T k_{B}\epsilon^{-1}$ float
Forces $F*$ $F* = F \sigma \epsilon^{-1}$ np.array
time $t*$ $t* = t\sigma^{-1} (\epsilon M^{-1})^1/2$ float
Pressure $P*$ $P* = P \sigma^{dim=2} \epsilon^{-1}$ float
Density $\rho*$ $\rho* = \rho \sigma^{dim=2}$ float
Dynamic viscosity $\eta*$ $\eta* = N \sigma^{3} V^{-1}$ float

2-D Molecular Dynamics Simulation w/ LJ Potential

1. Initialize positions & velocities, setting t=0.

$$r_{x,y} = \left( \begin{array}{c}{r_{x1} \hspace{0.25cm} r_{y1}} \\ {r_{x2} \hspace{0.25cm} r_{y2}} \\ { \vdots}\hspace{0.25cm}{ \vdots} \\ {r_{\mathrm{xN}} \hspace{0.25cm} r_{\mathrm{yN}}}\end{array}\right) \hspace{0.35cm};\hspace{0.35cm} v_{x,y} = \left( \begin{array}{c}{v_{x1} \hspace{0.25cm} v_{y1}} \\ {v_{x2} \hspace{0.25cm} v_{y2}} \\ { \vdots}\hspace{0.25cm}{ \vdots} \\ {v_{\mathrm{xN}} \hspace{0.25cm} v_{\mathrm{yN}}}\end{array}\right) $$

Determine the kinetic energy

$$E_{\mathrm{kinetic}} = \left\langle\frac{1}{2} m v^{2}\right\rangle$$

Measure the temperature

$$T = \frac{1}{(2 N k_{B})}\sum_{i=1}^{N}{m {v_{i}}^{2}}$$

Berendsen Thermostat

$$v_{x,y} = v_{x,y}*\left[1+\frac{\nu \Delta t}{\tau_{T}}\left\{\frac{T_{0}}{T\left(t-\frac{1}{2} \Delta t\right)}-1\right\}\right]^{1 / 2}$$

Scale the velocities by the desired temperature

$$v(t) = v(t)\sqrt{\frac{SetTemp}{T}}$$

2. Compute the forces on all particles

Loop over all pairs and compute the forces

$$ r_{ij} = \sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{j=1\\j\neq i}^{N} |r_{i} - r_{j}|$$
Pair potential (Lennard-Jones)
$$ U_{LJ}(r) = 4\epsilon[(\frac{\sigma}{r})^{12} - (\frac{\sigma}{r})^{6}],$$
Force in the x and y directions
$$F_{x} = - (\frac{dU(r)}{dr}) = - (\frac{x}{r})(\frac{dU(r)}{dr}); F_{y} = - (\frac{dU(r)}{dr}) = - (\frac{y}{r})(\frac{dU(r)}{dr})$$

Fu, S-P., et al. "Lennard-Jones type pair-potential method for coarse-grained lipid bilayer membrane simulations in LAMMPS." Computer Physics Communications 210 (2017): 193-203.

3. Integrate Newton's laws

Velocity Verlet Algorithm:
$$r(t+\Delta t)=r(t)+v(t) \Delta t+\frac{F_{LJ}(t)}{2 m} \Delta t^{2}$$$$r_{i}(t+\Delta t) = r_{i}(t) + v_{i}(t) + (a(t)/2) \Delta t^2 $$$$a(t+\Delta t) = F_{LJ}(r(t+\Delta t))/m$$$$v(t+\Delta t) = v(t) + 0.5 (a(t+\Delta t)+a(t))\Delta t $$
Apply periodic boundary conditions (PBC)
Update $t$ to $t+\Delta t$
In [7]:
import MD
NSTEPS = 1000
row_col = [6,3] #row_col = [12,4] 
lattice_spacing=[0.7,1.75]  # if hex
#lattice_spacing=[1.42,1.42]   # if bcc
sim = MD.Simulation(nSteps=NSTEPS, row_col=row_col, lattice="hex",  #"bcc""hex",
        print_frequency=100, dt=0.005, v_initial=2.5, temp=1.65,
        write_frequency=NSTEPS, store_frequency=10,traj_format="lammps")#"lammps")
# Verlet Algorithm
# of Particles = 18
BOX DIMENSIONS = (3.9,5.175)
Lattice Spacing in x,y = 0.7,1.75

Step #	Time,t 		Temperature,T 		Pair Potential, U	Total Energy, E		Pressure, P
0	0.0000e+00	2.3293e+00		-2.6127e+02		-2.1935e+02		1.7261e+01	
100	5.0000e-01	1.6461e+00		-2.6487e+01		3.1434e+00		6.6572e+00	
200	1.0000e+00	1.4135e+00		-2.7812e+01		-2.3697e+00		5.5473e+00	
300	1.5000e+00	1.4940e+00		-2.8858e+01		-1.9652e+00		5.9910e+00	
400	2.0000e+00	1.4891e+00		-2.8668e+01		-1.8651e+00		5.9415e+00	
500	2.5000e+00	1.6089e+00		-2.8244e+01		7.1577e-01		6.4969e+00	
600	3.0000e+00	1.8153e+00		-2.8245e+01		4.4313e+00		7.4903e+00	
700	3.5000e+00	1.5370e+00		-2.8695e+01		-1.0297e+00		6.1754e+00	
800	4.0000e+00	1.4835e+00		-2.8929e+01		-2.2262e+00		5.9221e+00	
900	4.5000e+00	1.8027e+00		-2.9194e+01		3.2544e+00		7.4737e+00	

Writing Trajectory: traj_0.lammps

5000 steps; step size of 5; with a total of 441 particles


Simulation code written from scratch using only vectors

Qualitatively: matches with Lammps (interactions, 6 nearest neighbors, pair potential)

Prospective Goals:

Rewrite Python program in C++
Extend the basic MD simulation module to contain Brownian dynamics to study active particles