• Observations suggest a linear relationship between the reaction $E_{a}$ and the free energy $\Delta G$ of acid dissociation.
• Marcus replaces $E_{a} = a \Delta G + b$ with a parabola, $ E_{AB}(r) = m_{1} (r- r_{1})^{2} + b $
Without eigenstates of mixing, followed in nonadiabatic reaction
Mixing of eigenstates followed by adiabatic reactions.
In Eyring's transition state theory (TST), the preexponential term, $A$ is replaced with $\kappa k_{B}T/h$, where $\kappa$ is the transmission coefficient.
The activation energy $E_{a}$ is replaced with $\Delta G^{\dagger}$.
Treat ET as radiationless transitions Rate constant can be separated into electronic, $|V|^{2}$ and nuclear coordinates, Franck-Condon-weighted density of states, $FCWD$.
$$k= \frac{2 \pi}{ \hbar}|V|^{2} (F C W D)\label{eq:5}\tag{5}$$The coupling matrix elements, V represents the resonance energy associated with the structures of reactant and product and can be directly obtained from MO theory.
Frank-Condon-weighted density of states (FCWD) must account for for the exponential dependence associated with the activation energy and temperature of equation $\ref{eq:3}$
$\mathrm{A} = \text{acceptor}$
$\mathrm{D} = \text{donor} \hspace{1cm};\hspace{1cm} \mathrm{D}^{*} = \text{excited donor state}$
$\mathrm{Sp} = \text{inert rigid spacer}\hspace{1.25cm} \text{e.g., Androstane (steroid spacer)}$
where the electronic interactions between D and A in equations $\ref{eq:1}$ and $\ref{eq:2}$ are extremely weak (<< 1 kcal).
assumes an exponential decay of the wave function and the coupling matrix element, $V$ and $V_{0}$.
$$V=V_{0} \exp \left[-\beta\left(R-R_{0}\right) / 2\right]\label{eq:13}\tag{13}$$van der Waals separation, $R_{0}$, where $\beta$ is a constant scaling the distance dependence.
$$k=k_{0} \exp \left[-\beta\left(R-R_{0}\right)\right]\label{eq:14}\tag{14}$$Coupling comes from a pathway involving intervening bonds of the spacer.
where $R = R_{D}+R_{A}$. Also note that this equation only holds for linear molecules.