
Computer Lab – Chemical Kinetics 1

Goal: The purpose of this lab is to become familiar with modeling a simple ligand binding reaction.


Consider a binding reaction where ligand ($L$) binds to a protein receptor ($R$) to form a loosely bound encounter complex ($L\cdot R$), and finally a tightly bound product ($P$) with the forward and backward rate constants $k_{f}$ and $k_{b}$, respectively.1

$$L + R \underset{k_{b1}}{\stackrel{k_{f1}}{⥂}} L\cdot R \stackrel{k_{f2}}{\rightarrow} P \tag{1}$$

First, we need to write out the elementary rate equations:

\begin{align*} \\ \frac{d[L]}{dt} &= \frac{d[R]}{dt} = -k_{f1}[L][R] + k_{b1}[L\cdot R] \tag{1.1}\\ \frac{d[L\cdot R]}{dt} &= k_{f1}[L][R] -k_{b1}[L\cdot R] - k_{f2}[L\cdot R] \tag{1.2}\\ \frac{d[P]}{dt} &= k_{f2}[L\cdot R] \tag{1.3} \\ \end{align*}

Next, we apply a steady state approximation on $d[L\cdot R]/dt$:

\begin{equation} k_{b1}[L\cdot R] = k_{f1}[L][R] - k_{f2}[L\cdot R] \implies \boxed{[L\cdot R] = \left( \frac{k_{f1}}{k_{b1}+k_{f2}} [L][R]\right)} \end{equation}

Now, we take $[L\cdot R]$ and substitute into equations ${1.1}$ and ${1.3}$.

\begin{align} \frac{d[L]}{dt} &= \frac{d[R]}{dt} = -k_{f1}[L][R] + k_{b1}\left(\frac{k_{f1}}{k_{b1}+k_{f2}} [L][R] \right) \tag{1.1a}\\ \frac{d[P]}{dt} &= k_{f2} \left( \frac{k_{f1}}{k_{b1}+k_{f2}} [L][R]\right) \tag{1.3a} \end{align}

  1. Note that this last kinetic step is “one-way”, which violates thermodynamics (!). Don’t worry about this yet (we’re getting to kinetics soon in the lecture). For now, suffice it to say that here we invoke the assumption that the back rate is very small compared to forward rate.

Let’s walk through the steps of how to build a model of this receptor-ligand reaction using Python.


Part I.

  1. Set initial concentration of ligand to 10.0 and receptor to 5.0

  2. Set rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_I

      1. set “Forward Rate Parameter” ($k_{f1}$) value to 0.02

      2. set “Reverse Rate Parameter” ($k_{b1}$) value to 0.01

  3. Run the simulation and save the graph.

Part II.

  1. Repeat simulation for following values:

  2. Add "k-prod" ($k_{f2}$) and set value to 0.05.

  3. Set rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II

  4. Run the simulation and save the graph.

    1. Does the reaction reach a steady state?

    2. If not, increase simulation time to 100

  5. Repeat simulation for following values:

    1. “Forward Rate Parameter” ($k_{f1}$): 0.01 , “Reverse Rate Parameter” ($k_{b1}$): 0.02 , “k-prod” ($k_{f2}$): 0.05

    2. “Forward Rate Parameter” ($k_{f1}$): 0.02, “Reverse Rate Parameter” ($k_{b1}$): 0.01 , “k-prod” ($k_{f2}$): 0.5

In [5]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
In [6]:
def ODE_eqs_part_I(C, t, k):
    :math:`L + R \underset{k_{b1}}{\stackrel{k_{f1}}{⥂}} L\cdot R`

        C(list): collection of concentrations for each species [L, R, LR]
        t(float): iterate over some time-course
        k(list): collection of rate constants [kf1, kb1]
    kf1, kb1 = k[0], k[1]
    dC1dt = -kf1*C[0]*C[1]+kb1*C[2]
    dC0dt = dC1dt
    dC2dt = -dC1dt
    return [dC0dt, dC1dt, dC2dt]

def ODE_eqs_part_II(C, t, k):
    r"""See eqs 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3
    :math:`L + R \underset{k_{b1}}{\stackrel{k_{f1}}{⥂}} L\cdot R \stackrel{k_{f2}}{\rightarrow} P`

        C(list): collection of concentrations for each species [L, R, LR, P]
        t(float): iterate over some time-course
        k(list): collection of rate constants [kf1, kb1, kf2]
    kf1, kb1, kf2 = k[0], k[1], k[2]
    dC1dt = -kf1*C[0]*C[1]+kb1*C[2]
    dC0dt = dC1dt
    dC2dt = k[0]*C[0]*C[1]-k[1]*C[2]-k[2]*C[2]
    dC3dt = kf2*C[2]
    return [dC0dt, dC1dt, dC2dt, dC3dt]

def ODE_eqs_part_II_SS(C, t, k):
    r"""See eqs 1.2, 1.1a and 1.3a
    Using the steady state approximation on dLR/dt.
    :math:`L + R \underset{k_{b1}}{\stackrel{k_{f1}}{⥂}} L\cdot R \stackrel{k_{f2}}{\rightarrow} P`

        C(list): collection of concentrations for each species [L, R, LR, P]
        t(float): iterate over some time-course
        k(list): collection of rate constants [kf1, kb1, kf2]
    kf1, kb1, kf2 = k[0], k[1], k[2]
    dC1dt = -kf1*C[0]*C[1]+kb1*(kf1/(kb1+kf2)*C[0]*C[1])
    dC0dt = dC1dt
    dC2dt = k[0]*C[0]*C[1]-k[1]*C[2]-k[2]*C[2]
    dC3dt = kf2*(kf1/(kb1+kf2)*C[0]*C[1])
    return [dC0dt, dC1dt, dC2dt, dC3dt]

def simulate(steps, simulation_time, parameters, rate_eqs):
    """Method for integrating the ODEs with SciPy odeint

        steps(int): number of iterations
        simulation_time(int): duration of simulation (units: s)
        parameters(dict): {'species': ['L', 'R', 'LR'],\
                          'k': [kf1, kb1, kf2, kb2, ...],\  # rate constants
                          'InitConc': [L, R, P, ...]}       # initial concentrations (units: M)
        rate_eqs(function): method containing the ordinary differential equations
        Pandas DataFrame, plot
    from scipy.integrate import odeint
    print(f"Number of species: {len(parameters['InitConc'])}")
    time = np.linspace(0, simulation_time, steps) 
    C = odeint(rate_eqs, parameters["InitConc"], time, (parameters["k"],)).transpose()
    data = {"time": time, **{"%s"%s: C[i] for i,s in enumerate(parameters["species"])}}
    df = pd.DataFrame(data)
    plot = df.plot(x="time", y=parameters["species"], figsize=(10, 4),
                   xlim=(data["time"][0], data["time"][-1]))
    return df,plot
In [7]:
parameters = {"species": ["L","R","LR"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0],
              #          [kf1, kb1, kf2]
             "k":        [0.02, 0.01, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=10,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_I) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R$")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 3
time L R LR
0 0.00000 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000
1 0.01001 9.990005 4.990005 0.009995
2 0.02002 9.980042 4.980042 0.019958
3 0.03003 9.970109 4.970109 0.029891
4 0.04004 9.960207 4.960207 0.039793
... ... ... ... ...
995 9.95996 6.274527 1.274527 3.725473
996 9.96997 6.273299 1.273299 3.726701
997 9.97998 6.272074 1.272074 3.727926
998 9.98999 6.270851 1.270851 3.729149
999 10.00000 6.269630 1.269630 3.730370

1000 rows × 4 columns

In [8]:
parameters = {"species": ["L","R", "LR", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             #            [kf1, kb1, kf2, ...]
             "k":        [0.02, 0.01, 0.05, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=100,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time L R LR P
0 0.0000 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.1001 9.901431 4.901431 0.098322 0.000248
2 0.2002 9.805835 4.805835 0.193187 0.000978
3 0.3003 9.713087 4.713087 0.284737 0.002176
4 0.4004 9.623069 4.623069 0.373108 0.003823
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 99.5996 5.013633 0.013633 0.078921 4.907446
996 99.6997 5.013575 0.013575 0.078585 4.907840
997 99.7998 5.013517 0.013517 0.078250 4.908233
998 99.8999 5.013460 0.013460 0.077916 4.908623
999 100.0000 5.013403 0.013403 0.077584 4.909013

1000 rows × 5 columns

In [22]:
parameters = {"species": ["L","R", "LR", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             #            [kf1, kb1, kf2, ...]
             "k":        [0.02, 0.01, 0.05, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=100,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II_SS) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"""Steady State 
$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$""")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time L R LR P
0 0.0000 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.1001 9.917615 4.917615 0.098565 0.082385
2 0.2002 9.837243 4.837243 0.194130 0.162757
3 0.3003 9.758816 4.758816 0.286797 0.241184
4 0.4004 9.682265 4.682265 0.376664 0.317735
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 99.5996 5.000621 0.000621 0.035247 4.999379
996 99.6997 5.000616 0.000616 0.035043 4.999384
997 99.7998 5.000611 0.000611 0.034839 4.999389
998 99.8999 5.000606 0.000606 0.034636 4.999394
999 100.0000 5.000601 0.000601 0.034435 4.999399

1000 rows × 5 columns

In [10]:
#“Forward Rate Parameter” ( 𝑘𝑓1 ): 0.01 , “Reverse Rate Parameter” ( 𝑘𝑏1 ): 0.02 , “k-prod” ( 𝑘𝑓2 ): 0.05
parameters = {"species": ["L","R", "LR", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             #           [kf1, kb1, kf2, ...]              
             "k":        [0.01, 0.02, 0.05, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=100,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time L R LR P
0 0.0000 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.1001 9.950373 4.950373 0.049503 0.000124
2 0.2002 9.901577 4.901577 0.097929 0.000494
3 0.3003 9.853594 4.853594 0.145303 0.001103
4 0.4004 9.806406 4.806406 0.191647 0.001946
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 99.5996 5.152169 0.152169 0.188526 4.659305
996 99.6997 5.151763 0.151763 0.187991 4.660247
997 99.7998 5.151357 0.151357 0.187457 4.661186
998 99.8999 5.150952 0.150952 0.186925 4.662123
999 100.0000 5.150549 0.150549 0.186394 4.663057

1000 rows × 5 columns

In [11]:
#“Forward Rate Parameter” ( 𝑘𝑓1 ): 0.02, “Reverse Rate Parameter” ( 𝑘𝑏1 ): 0.01 , “k-prod” ( 𝑘𝑓2 ): 0.5
parameters = {"species": ["L","R", "LR", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             "k":        [0.02, 0.01, 0.5, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=100,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time L R LR P
0 0.0000 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0.1001 9.901430 4.901430 0.096132 0.002438
2 0.2002 9.805829 4.805829 0.184675 0.009496
3 0.3003 9.713068 4.713068 0.266126 0.020806
4 0.4004 9.623026 4.623026 0.340950 0.036025
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 99.5996 5.000151 0.000151 0.000037 4.999813
996 99.6997 5.000149 0.000149 0.000036 4.999815
997 99.7998 5.000148 0.000148 0.000036 4.999817
998 99.8999 5.000146 0.000146 0.000035 4.999818
999 100.0000 5.000145 0.000145 0.000035 4.999820

1000 rows × 5 columns


This same reaction can be used to describe Michaelis-Menten enzyme kinetics, in which substrate (S) binds a protein enzyme (E) to form an encounter complex (E∙S), and then chemically converts to product (E + P).

$$E + S \underset{k_{b1}}{\stackrel{k_{f1}}{⥂}} E\cdot S \stackrel{k_{cat}}{\to} E + P$$

Suppose an enzyme has kf1 = 107 s-1, kb1 = 106 s-1 and kcat = 104 s-1. By adjusting parameters in the function above, which of these rates constants would you say most sensitively controls the overall rate of catalysis?

Answer: $k_{cat}$. See plots below...

In [23]:
parameters = {"species": ["E","S", "ES", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             #            [kf1, kb1, kf2, ...]
             "k":        [1e7, 1e6, 1e4, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=1e-7,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time E S ES P
0 0.000000e+00 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000e+00
1 1.001001e-10 9.950325 4.950325 0.049674 2.492510e-08
2 2.002002e-10 9.901391 4.901391 0.098609 9.920206e-08
3 3.003003e-10 9.853182 4.853182 0.146818 2.220980e-07
4 4.004004e-10 9.805681 4.805681 0.194318 3.928954e-07
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 9.959960e-08 5.109270 0.109270 4.886501 4.229018e-03
996 9.969970e-08 5.109200 0.109200 4.886566 4.233910e-03
997 9.979980e-08 5.109131 0.109131 4.886630 4.238801e-03
998 9.989990e-08 5.109062 0.109062 4.886694 4.243693e-03
999 1.000000e-07 5.108994 0.108994 4.886758 4.248584e-03

1000 rows × 5 columns

In [28]:
parameters = {"species": ["E","S", "ES", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             #            [kf1, kb1, kf2, ...]
             "k":        [1e7, 1e6, 1e8, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=1e-7,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time E S ES P
0 0.000000e+00 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 1.001001e-10 9.950325 4.950325 0.049426 0.000248
2 2.002002e-10 9.901391 4.901391 0.097623 0.000985
3 3.003003e-10 9.853181 4.853181 0.144620 0.002199
4 4.004004e-10 9.805681 4.805681 0.190442 0.003877
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 9.959960e-08 5.018907 0.018907 0.018749 4.962345
996 9.969970e-08 5.018814 0.018814 0.018654 4.962532
997 9.979980e-08 5.018722 0.018722 0.018560 4.962718
998 9.989990e-08 5.018630 0.018630 0.018467 4.962903
999 1.000000e-07 5.018538 0.018538 0.018374 4.963088

1000 rows × 5 columns

In [29]:
parameters = {"species": ["E","S", "ES", "P"],
             "InitConc": [10, 5, 0, 0],
             #            [kf1, kb1, kf2, ...]
             "k":        [1e7, 1e6, 1e8, "NaN"]}
df,plot = simulate(steps=1000, simulation_time=1e-7,
                   parameters=parameters, rate_eqs=ODE_eqs_part_II_SS) 
plot = plot.set_title(r"""Steady State 
$L + R ⥂ L\cdot R \rightarrow P$""")
fig = plot.get_figure()
Number of species: 4
time E S ES P
0 0.000000e+00 10.000000 5.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 1.001001e-10 9.950811 4.950811 0.049430 0.049189
2 2.002002e-10 9.902344 4.902344 0.097638 0.097656
3 3.003003e-10 9.854582 4.854582 0.144651 0.145418
4 4.004004e-10 9.807511 4.807511 0.190497 0.192489
... ... ... ... ... ...
995 9.959960e-08 5.018120 0.018120 0.018147 4.981880
996 9.969970e-08 5.018030 0.018030 0.018055 4.981970
997 9.979980e-08 5.017940 0.017940 0.017963 4.982060
998 9.989990e-08 5.017851 0.017851 0.017872 4.982149
999 1.000000e-07 5.017763 0.017763 0.017781 4.982237

1000 rows × 5 columns

In [ ]: